Bible Study, Evangelism, Conference CDs, Messianic Graduate and Postgraduate Programs, Messianic Jewish Community, Cultural, Modern Israel
ARIEL MINISTRIES - Discipleship Training Program; Systematic Theology Home Study Course; Camp Shoshanah; San Antonio Seminars. BIBLE AND ISRAEL PROGRAM AT PHILADELPHIA BIBLICAL UNIVERSITY "One year of intense Bible study." CHARLES L. FEINBERG CENTER - Accredited Master of Divinity Program in Messianic Jewish Studies conducted in partnership between The Talbot School of Theology of Biola University and Chosen People Ministries. DENVER SEMINARY - Master of Divinity with a Concentration in Messianic Judaism. MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE - Department of Missions and World Evangelism, Jewish Studies Program. Dr. Michael Rydelnik, Dir. PASCHE INSTITUTE OF JEWISH STUDIES - An accredited college for Jewish studies. TYNDALE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY - Offering the following online/extension Messianic Studiesprograms: 1. Master of Messianic Studies Degree Program. General Masters components recorded by various Tyndale professors. Messianic component recorded by Prof. Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum. 2. Certificate of Messianic Studies Program. Above Messianic component recorded by Prof. Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum. |
JEWISH EVANGELISM ARIEL MINISTRIES - "Created to evangelize and disciple our Jewish brethren."
CHOSEN PEOPLE MINISTRIES - "Reaching Jewish people with the Gospel."DUGIT - "Dugit is an evangelistic outreach center located in the heart of Tel Aviv." JEWS FOR JESUS - "We exist to make the messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to our Jewish people worldwide."
LAUSANNE CONSULTATION ON JEWISH EVANGELISM - A global organization in which people involved in Jewish evangelism can come together to share information, resources, and strategize on a global level. MESSIAH.COM.ES - A unique, first rate multifaceted website designed for Jewish evangelism. The combined effort of messianic leaders from different groups. TRUMPET OF SALVATION TO ISRAEL - "To the Jew first." - Romans 1:16 WORD OF MESSIAH MINISTRIES - "Faith Comes by Hearing, and Hearing by The Word of Messiah." - Romans 10:17 |
MERCY MINISTRIES TO JEWS RESCUE ISRAEL - "Bringing the homeless into the Kingdom. We are called to demonstrate God's love in practical ways to the homeless, the drug/alcohol addicted, prostitutes and the forgotten, and to proclaim to them that there is Good News in Yeshua, the Messiah. Our goal is to help men and women become godly productive citizens of Israeli society." |
MESSIANIC JEWISH COMMUNITY CASPARI CENTER "a network of people: Jews and Gentiles throughout the world working together to raise awareness of Jewish believers in Jesus and support the growth of Israel's congregations." THE MESSIANIC TIMES bimonthly newspaper - "Serving the international Messianic Jewish Community." Online and hard copy editions. THE ROSH PINA PROJECT - "An alternative look at the Messianic Movement, advocating Biblical Messianic Jewish identity, ongoing debates with leading anti-missionaries and most importantly advocating the cause of Messianic Jews facing persecution or harassment in Israel." |
MODERN ISRAEL AND WORLD JEWRY ISRAEL MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Facts about Israel, foreign relations, archaeology, etc. JEWISH VIRTUAL LIBRARY - "Jewish history, Israel, U.S.-Israel relations, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism and Judaism... breaking news." Includes "Myths & Facts Online: Israel's Roots," a concise, detailed, apologetic for Israel's legitimacy. PALESTINIANZIONISTORGANIZATION.COM (PZO): - "'The aim of Zionism is to create for the Jewish people a home in Eretz Israel secured by public law'. The PZO is an organization which supports the Nation of Israel and the Jewish people." |
NEWS OF ISRAEL AND WORLD JEWRYARUTZ SHEVA - Israeli news from an Orthodox Jewish perspective. Offers free daily email newsletter. DEBKA - "Covers global security, terrorism, military matters, and political analysis, with a focus on Middle Eastern politics." Offers free weekly email newsletter. HONEST REPORTING - Activists for fairness in reporting about Israel. Offers free daily email newsletter. ISRAEL TODAY HEADLINE NEWS - "Your source for news and perspective by Israeli believers." Free daily email newsletter. JERUSALEM ONLINE - Daily 5-minute online video of news from Israel. May be received by email at no charge. THE JERUSALEM POST - "Israel's best-selling English daily and most-read English website." JEWISH NEWS - INTERNATIONAL - "These sites offer daily updates of international Jewish news - from Israel to New York to Australia." KOLBO ALERT - Free news alerts directly to your desktop. "Notifies you instantly when a critical or important news event occurs." MEMRI - "The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) explores the Middle East through the region's media." MIDEAST TRUTH - "Trying to spread the truth about the Middle East conflict." Offers free email newsletter. STANDWITHUS - "an international education organization that ensures that Israel's side of the story is told" in a multitude of ways. |

| A 6 CD set with major topics such as: > Why The Good News Must Be to the Jew first. > Why There Must be Messianic Congregations > Why Gentile Believers Must Be Involved in Messianic Congregations > Why the Messianic Movement Must Have a Jewish New Covenant Orientation > The Two House Theory > Messianic Identity 6 CDs for only $29.95 |

"While meant to speak to the mainstream of the Messianic Movement, the heart of this book represents the doctrinal focus of the AMC and the purpose of promoting sound doctrine for which the association exists. A good part of the material represents what was delivered as the "Messianic Apologetics" lecture series at AMC conferences on the East and West coasts, as well as at other Messianic Bible conferences prior in North America, Europe and Israel. This book is, in that sense, essential for congregations who desire that sound doctrine be a primary value in Messianic congregations." - Matt Nadler
| “Dear Sam, I have just completed reading your new book, Messianic Foundations. Over four decades, I have read many books about our Messianic movement and the Jewish people. Here in one easy to read hand book, you have provided many answers of interest for observers and those actively engaged in Jewish evangelism and Messianic congregations. . . . I’ll be heartily recommending your book." - Paul Liberman, Publisher, Messianic Times For more information about the book: |
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