About National Missionaries

Today the reality is ...
Today the reality is that 97 percent of the world's unreached lives in the 10/40 Window, a rectangular shaped area on our globe extending from West Africa to East Asia, from 10 degrees north to 40 degrees north of the equator. In this part of the world, millions live with little or no chance of ever hearing the Gospel. The Window also encompasses the majority of the world's Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.
The darkest of all areas within the 10/40 Window is Asia. Over 80,000 die every day in Asian countries without knowing about the love of Jesus Christ. 500,000 villages in India alone have never heard the Gospel.
Although 97 percent of the world's unreached lives in the 10/40 Window...
Less than 0.05% of our total resources as the Church in the West are being sent to help share the Good News. Truly there is a staggering amount of work to do.
However, with national missionaries we can reach them!
With few or no cultural barriers to overcome,
national missionaries can ...

With few or no cultural barriers to overcome, national missionaries can readily preach the Gospel to those who, unlike their western counterparts, have never heard. Although national missionaries do face many difficult obstacles as they take the message from village to village, they still have an enormous advantage over their coworkers from North America and other non-Asian lands.
Today, over 85 percent of Asian countries do not allow western missionaries to come and freely preach the Gospel and plant churches.
In the eyes of the people, national missionaries do not represent a foreign country or a strange religion. They already know the language or can easily learn a local dialect.
A national missionary can be sent out at a fraction of the cost of a Western missionary. In fact, the average cost is only $1440 to $2520 per year compared to over $75,000 per year for a foreign missionary.
The possibility of reaching Asia's multitudes through national missionaries in our generation is very real as thousands are being trained to plant churches across Asia!
Thousands of national workers ...
Thousands of national workers are being trained and sent to the mission fields of Asia every year through Gospel for Asia. But many more are needed if the millions in these countries are to hear the Gospel in our lifetime.
To date 54 Bible colleges have been established in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and at the Bhutan border. Currently, nearly 9,000 young men and women are currently receiving training.
The quality of GFA students is incredible. Over 98 percent of our graduates minister in places where the Gospel has never before been preached. Frequently, our graduates will establish a new fellowship within their first year on the field.
This incredible fruit from national missions work is being reproduced across Asia!
On average, our missionaries establish approximately 17 fellowships every day
On average, our missionaries establish approximately 17 fellowships every day in Asia among unreached villages and people groups. But none of this has come easily. Our national missionaries are paying a high price of suffering, hardship and intense persecution to see churches established.
Read how one national missionary is transforming lives in Sikkim, India.
The churches planted in each culture are truly indigenous in character, self-governing, self-propagating and, as soon as possible, self-supporting.
Thousands of national brothers and sisters are waiting to be sent. They just need your help!
Your part in winning Asia ...
Your part in winning Asia is just as important as that of the workers on the field. Although they are willing and eager to go, they are limited by the resources given to provide a small room to rent, food to eat, and Bibles and tracts to distribute.

Without support from Christians around the world, our brothers and sisters in Asia simply would not be able to complete the task of sharing Christ with every village and people group.
It takes between US$120 and US$210 per month to support a national missionary through Gospel for Asia. You can help support one worker with a monthly donation of $30. As a sponsor, you are asked to pray regularly for your missionary. When you become a sponsor, your missionary's picture and testimony will be sent to you promptly.
There are numerous other ways to impact the lost world through Gospel for Asia. Click here to learn more about how you can be involved in reaching the most unreached.
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