setembro 29, 2010

A Formação (e preservação) do Cânon do Novo Testamento

Inicial Artigos A Formação (e preservação) do Cânon do Novo Testamento

O que a "maioria" está dizendo

Existe muita literatura publicada por aí, dizendo que o Cânon do NT, ou seja, o conjunto de livros que formam o Novo Testamento, foi estabelecido através dos chamados "Concílios". Esta é a teoria sustentada por muitos chamados "eruditos" e "acadêmicos". Mas, esta maioria de "eruditos", infelizmente, é uma maioria de LIBERAIS.

Segundo estes estudiosos liberais, foram estes "Concílios" que "deliberaram" e "estabeleceram" o cânon do Novo Testamento. Isso significa que as igrejas locais, ao redor de todo o mundo, teriam acatado a suposta "autoridade" desses "líderes" reunidos nos Concílios. Esta afirmação fere os princípios bíblicos, uma vez que Deus não estabelece, no Novo Testamento, autoridade nenhuma para "Concílio" ou "instituição" nenhuma deliberar nada para as igrejas. No Novo Testamento, as igrejas (no plural) estão sujeitas, cada uma, apenas e unicamente ao Cabeça da igreja, Jesus Cristo.

O problema que está sendo causado

Esta falsa idéia, de que o Cânon foi estabelecido e ditado para as igrejas através de "Concílios", além de incorreta biblicamente, provoca sérias consequências. Ela reforça o Catolicismo Romano, e reforça a idéia absurda e anti-bíblica de que "a igreja católica romana nos deu a Bíblia". Os católicos romanos tem a audácia de dizer que "as Escrituras estão sujeitas à Igreja Católica, porque foi a Igreja que estabeleceu o que é e o que não é Escritura". Quando o católico romano usa o termo "a Igreja", ele se refere à uma instituição terrena, universal, controlada por um "papa", e não a igrejas locais independentes.

A teoria, de que o cânon da Bíblia foi decidido por "líderes" reunidos em "Concílios", que teriam "decretado" este cânon para as igrejas locais do mundo todo, é um ABSURDO, do ponto de vista bíblico. Esta teoria desastrada implica na idéia de que "líderes" podem se juntar e exercer autoridade sobre as igrejas locais. Se isso fosse verdade, então isso significaria que "líderes" podem se reunir e decidir o que é certo e o que é errado, de cima para baixo, impondo suas "decisões" às igrejas locais. Se isso fosse verdade, o catolicismo romano estaria certo, porque no catolicismo romano, os líderes se juntam e decidem se é ou não correto adorar imagens de escultura, se é ou não correto proibir o casamento, à revelia do que a Bíblia diz. Se esta teoria fosse verdadeira, não haveria problema algum, pois, nesta teoria os "líderes" estão acima da palavra de Deus, e as igrejas locais tem que acatar, caladas, a decisão dos "líderes". Nesta teoria, são os líderes que decidem o que é, e o que não é, a palavra de Deus. Graças a Deus, esta teoria não é verdade, e temos evidências disso, além de referências bíblicas que provam isso.

Cuidado com as livrarias "evangélicas" e os "sites na internet"

Há muitos irmãos sinceros, porém despreparados, que se aventuram a querer ser "intelectuais". Esses "doutores" de fundo de quintal cometem o erro terrível de ir numa livraria "evangélica" para procurar livros para "aprender mais", sem tomar nenhuma precaução, sem serem vigilantes, como se as livrarias "evangélicas" fossem infalíveis. Amigo, não se engane. Como regra (há sim, exceções), a literatura disponível nestas livrarias "evangélicas" não está ali para informar você acerca da verdade, está ali para VENDER e para DAR LUCRO. Livrarias evangélicas são NEGÓCIO, seguem regras de MERCADO, portanto, como regra (embora existam, sim, exceções), ali você vai encontrar livros que são bons de venda, livros aceitos pela maioria, e não livros que falam a verdade.

Antes de comprar um livro numa livraria "evangélica", obtenha recomendação de algum pastor ou irmão experiente, são na doutrina, que tenha costume de ler livros em Português, e aconselhe-se com ele. Em inglês, posso te recomendar os livros da Dean Burgon Society. Não tenho costume de ler sobre este tema em Português. Sobre Bibliologia, de maneira geral, posso recomendar sem ressalvas, em Português, o site do Pr. Pedro Almeida (clique aqui). Para aconselhamento com algum pastor ou irmão experiente, há apenas um perfil aceitável: que tenha uma vida prática de serviço a Deus (não um "intelectual" que não faz nada na obra de Deus) e que creia que temos em nossas mãos, hoje, todas as palavras inspiradas por Deus. Se este "irmão" ou "pastor" duvidar da preservação de uma só palavra do Textus Receptus ou do Texto Massorético, não se aconselhe com ele, procure outra pessoa. Quem tem dúvida vai te ensinar a ter dúvida; quem tem fé, vai te ensinar a ter fé. Dúvida é o contrário de fé, e sem fé é impossível agradar a Deus (Hebreus 11:6).

Como perceber que pode haver problemas

Há duas características fáceis de identificar em praticamente tudo que se lê a respeito deste assunto do cânon do NT, tanto na internet quanto nas livrarias "evangélicas".

A primeira é o uso da expressão "a igreja", referindo-se a todas as igrejas espalhadas na face da terra. A expressão bíblica é "as igrejas", no plural (Atos 9:31, 16:5; Rom 16:16; Apoc 1:11; 2:29; 3:6, 13, 22; 22:16). O uso da expressão católica "a igreja" já deve dar um sinal de alerta para uma possível negligência da questão doutrinária da igreja local.

Outra característica predominante é a menção a uma suposta "tradição oral", que só existe na cabeça desses "estudiosos", mas não existe em lugar nenhum da Bíblia. Na Bíblia, a palavra escrita é preservada e transmitida através da escrita (Josué 8:32, Neemias 9:3, Atos 15:30, 16:4-5, 21:25, Col 4:16, Apo 1:11).

Primeiro, a Bíblia. Depois, o resto.

Há muitos irmãos querendo lidar com os chamados "temas difíceis", ao invés de solidificar seus conhecimentos naquilo que a Bíblia realmente diz. Quero dizer com isso que, se você ainda não entendeu a questão doutrinária da igreja local, e do sacerdócio individual dos crentes no Novo Testamento, vá estudar mais sua Bíblia. Deixe para estudar assuntos mais complexos, como a história da formação do cânon do Novo Testamento, quando você já tiver dominado a questão do sacerdócio individual no Novo Testamento e da igreja local. Sem este entendimento prévio, você nunca terá uma visão correta sobre o assunto. A Bíblia tem que vir sempre primeiro, a História e as evidências físicas, depois.

O Estudo

Escrevo este artigo para mostrar a você, leitor, que as evidências demonstram que o estabelecimento do cânon ocorreu muito mais cedo do que os modernistas e liberais estão dizendo. Muito antes de qualquer "Concílio" que você possa ler nesses autores "intelectuais", muito antes, as igrejas já estavam usando o cânon correto do Novo Testamento. Há evidências claras disso. O Novo Testamento estava totalmente consolidado, muito antes de o fundador do Catolicismo Romano, o tal Constantino, sequer ter nascido. Constantino reinou em Roma lá pelo ano 306, o cânon estava estabelecido bem antes disso, como você verá abaixo.

As evidências também apontam para o fato de que o método bíblico foi seguido, pelo qual os crentes seriam guiados pelo Espírito Santo em toda verdade. No método bíblico, as igrejas independentes, sujeitas ao Cabeça da igreja, Jesus Cristo, foram guiadas pelo Espírito Santo para aceitarem os textos corretos e rejeitarem os falsos. As igrejas locais, servindo a Deus, foram dirigidas por Deus, sem depender de "líderes", sem depender de usurpadores de autoridade, sem depender da falsa e abominável igreja católica romana.

Evidências de que o cânon do Novo Testamento estava estabelecido entre os crentes, nas igrejas fiéis e "anônimas", antes do ano 200 DC

Clemente de Roma, ano 96 DC

Ele claramente citava Hebreus, I Corintios, Romanos, e possivelmente Mateus, Atos, Tito, Tiago e I Pedro.

Policarpo, discípulo do apóstolo João, escrevendo em 115 DC para a igreja dos Filipenses
Pelo menos 50 citações tiradas de Mateus, Lucas, Atos, Romanos, I e II Corintios, Galatas, Efésios, Filipenses, Colossenses, I e II Tessalonicenses, I e II Timóteo, I e II Pedro, e I João, além de várias alusões à Marcos, Hebreus, Tiago e II e III João. O único escritor do NT não incluído foi Judas. Ele citava trechos destes livros e os chamava de "Escrituras", "Santas Escrituras".

Tertuliano, ano 208 DC, escrevendo para igrejas fundadas pelos apóstolos
a. Ele diz que eles sabem que os "escritos autênticos" ainda estavam disponíveis nas igrejas.

b. Ele diz "corram para as igrejas apostólicas, onde os escritos dos apóstolos são lidos, proclamados e representam o rosto deles severamente. Acaia está perto de vocês, onde vocês encontram CORINTO. Vocês não estão longe da Macedônia, onde está FILIPOS e também os TESSALONICENSES. Vocês podem atravessar a Ásia e chegar a EFESO. Estando perto da Itália, vocês têm ROMA."

Cartas de Paulo
Até mesmo estudiosos liberais concordam que uma coleção das cartas de Paulo circulava no começo do século II, pois Inácio referiu-se a elas em 117.

Mateus, Marcos, Lucas, João
Sabe-se que eles eram reconhecidos como Escritura antes do ano 170, pois nesse ano foi escrita a famosa obra de Taciano, chamada Diatessaron, que fez uma "harmonia" dos 4 evangelhos, e somente deles.

Evidências de antes do ano 200
As cartas de Paulo, Atos, I Pedro e I João eram reconhecidas por cristãos em todo lugar como Escrituras (escritos de Irineu, Clemente de Alexandria e Tertuliano).

Forever Settled, Jack Moorman, 1985. Clique aqui para fazer o download.
Faith vs. the Modern Bible Versions, David W. Cloud, 2006.

O que a Bíblia diz

Foi Deus quem escolheu não deixar registrado, em detalhes, como foi a formação do cânon do Novo Testamento. Temos que aceitar pela fé. Isso aqui não é um livro, apenas um artigo. Pressuponho que você já tenha conhecimento sobre a questão doutrinária do sacerdócio individual dos crentes do NT e que também já tenha conhecimento da questão doutrinária da igreja local.

Especificamente sobre a formação e a preservação do cânon do NT, sabemos com certeza o que a Bíblia fala. Vamos refletir sobre alguns poucos versículos:

João 16
12 Ainda tenho muito que vos dizer, mas vós não o podeis suportar agora.
13 Mas, quando vier aquele Espírito de verdade, ele vos guiará em toda a verdade; porque não falará de si mesmo, mas dirá tudo o que tiver ouvido, e vos anunciará o que há de vir.

João 17
17 Santifica-os na tua verdade, a tua palavra é a verdade.

Apocalipse 3
7 E ao anjo da igreja que está em Filadélfia escreve: Isto diz o que é santo, o que é verdadeiro, o que tem a chave de Davi; o que abre, e ninguém fecha; e fecha, e ninguém abre:
8 Conheço as tuas obras; eis que diante de ti pus uma porta aberta, e ninguém a pode fechar; tendo pouca força, guardaste a minha palavra, e não negaste o meu nome.


a) Pela fé, acreditamos que o Espírito Santo de Deus guiou e guia até hoje os crentes em toda a verdade.

Se alguém tem dúvidas em relação ao cânon do Novo Testamento, se o cânon está certo ou errado, está duvidando de Jesus, pois é promessa dele que os seus discípulos seriam guiados em toda a verdade. Quando falamos sobre o tema "verdade", a palavra de Deus é o assunto principal, porque a palavra de Deus é a verdade.

b) Acreditamos também no método de Deus.

A Bíblia ensina que Deus não guarda a sua palavra através de apóstatas, como a igreja católica romana, nem através de "líderes" que se julgam no direito de "tomar decisões" e as impôr às igrejas locais. O médoto de Deus é de guardar sua palavra através das igrejas fiéis, como a igreja de Filadélfia. Guardar a palavra, significa duas coisas: praticar e, também, guardar fisicamente, manter. Foi assim que os crentes, guiados na verdade pelo Espírito de Deus, discerniram o cânon do Novo Testamento e o guardaram. Isso foi feito por crentes fiéis, de pouca força, independentes, igrejas locais, desconhecidas e "esquecidas" no tempo (esquecidas pelos homens, mas não por Deus)... Essa história de o cânon ter sido estabelecido em "concílios", ou através de líderes famosos, de renome, não é verdadeira e não é este o ensinamento da Bíblia. O método de Deus é através de crentes anônimos, em igrejas fiéis, de "pouca força", guiados pelo Espírito Santo em toda a verdade, que viveram e morreram para defender sua fé nas Escrituras.

c) Os crentes que foram perseguidos e morreram no passado, e os que ainda vão morrer no futuro, morreram pela PALAVRA DE DEUS.

Não foram mortos por amor à escritos duvidosos, incertos, imprecisos. Não foram mortos por amor à escritos verdadeiros misturados com escritos falsos. Não! A Bíblia afirma que eles morreram por amor da PALAVRA DE DEUS. A Bíblia atesta a veracidade dos textos pelos quais os crentes morreram e ainda morrerão no futuro, nas mãos do anticristo:

Apocalipse 6
9 E, havendo aberto o quinto selo, vi debaixo do altar as almas dos que foram mortos por amor da palavra de Deus e por amor do testemunho que deram.
10 E clamavam com grande voz, dizendo: Até quando, ó verdadeiro e santo Dominador, não julgas e vingas o nosso sangue dos que habitam sobre a terra?

d) Querer prova material para tudo é inútil, porque Deus mesmo não permitiu que tudo fosse registrado detalhadamente.

Ninguém pode "provar por A+B" como é que o cânon foi estabelecido e como é que TODAS as palavras de Deus chegaram em nossas mãos hoje. Temos evidências, isso sim, mas "provas cabais" não existem. É necessário crer que temos a palavra de Deus verdadeira hoje e que o método de Deus foi seguido (usando crentes fiéis, igrejas independentes, de "pouca força"). Não temos que "ver", temos que "crer". Temos hoje TODAS AS PALAVRAS de Deus, sem faltar nenhuma e sem ter nenhuma a mais. Os crentes que ainda vão morrer, no futuro, nas mãos do anticristo, também terão em suas mãos a palavra de Deus. Exigir provas exaustivas sobre isso é inútil e incorreto, porque :

Hebreus 11
6a Ora, sem fé é impossível agradar-lhe.......

II Coríntios 5
7 Porque andamos por fé, e não por vista.

e) Jesus está certo sobre a preservação do texto bíblico, os "eruditos" estão errados.

Muitos estudiosos, chamados "eruditos", questionam a preservação dos textos das palavras de Deus. Em sua grande maioria, esses chamados "eruditos" duvidam da preservação da palavra de Deus, palavra por palavra. Em sua maioria, esses "eruditos" são pessoas corruptas na doutrina, em vários pontos. Muitos (dentre os mais respeitados deles) são confessamente incrédulos.

O fruto do trabalho deles é gerar dúvida, não fé, na palavra de Deus. Quem produz fé é Deus (Jesus é o autor e consumador da nossa fé) e quem produz dúvidas é o diabo (Gên 3:1 Satanás diz "É assim que Deus disse?..").

Esses "críticos textuais", questionadores, seguem o exemplo dado por Satanás em Gênesis 3:1. É o diabo quem abre sua boca para questionar as palavras de Deus. Deus, por sua vez, não ensina ninguém a ser "crítico" em relação a sua palavra, nem a "questionar", mas sim a "crer" na sua palavra.

Examinemos os frutos desses eruditos, como Jesus ensinou, "pelos frutos os conhecereis". Quantos desses chamados "eruditos" estão distribuindo folhetos evangelísticos? Quantos deles estão edificando igrejas fiéis? Quantos deles estão nas ruas pregando o evangelho? Quantos deles estão nas prisões evangelizando? Quantos deles estão indo para os índios anunciar o evangelho?

Os 2 autores que citei acima estão dando o seguinte fruto:

1) David Cloud

O pastor David Cloud é batista, fundamentalista, independente. Serviu como missionário no Nepal por mais de uma década, iniciando obra batista pioneira naquela região, e a igreja edificada ali nos anos 70 e 80 permanece fiel até hoje. Ele é casado e possui filhos com bom testemunho. Ele escreveu vários livros, inclusive uma enciclopédia, e em nenhuma obra sua ele jamais questionou uma só palavra da Bíblia, nem tampouco nenhuma doutrina batista.

2) Jack Moorman

O Dr. Jack Moorman é batista, fundamentalista, independente. Ele é missionário no Reino Unido. O que sabemos sobre ele é que ele imprime enormes quantidades de folhetos evangelísticos e sai frequentemente pregando o evangelho e distribuindo folhetos nas localidades próximas a Londres. Ele é conhecido no meio fundamentalista por ter feito pesquisas e por ter escrito livros defendendo as promessas que Jesus fez, de preservar suas palavras. Seu livro Forever Settled eu li de capa a capa. É uma pesquisa muito bem feita, extremamente bem organizada e correta. Recomendo sem ressalvas. Este livro está disponível GRATUITAMENTE na internet (inclusive neste site) para quem quiser ler, copiar, etc. Quantos "eruditos" estão publicando seus livros de graça para os crentes lerem e edificarem sua fé ?

O que os "eruditos" e "críticos" estão fazendo, por sua vez, é ficar o dia inteiro em bibliotecas, lendo, e escrevendo livros e mais livros sobre seus motivos para duvidar sobre as promessas feitas por Jesus, claríssimas e inconfundíveis, algumas delas reproduzidas abaixo:

Mateus 24
35 O céu e a terra passarão, mas aS minhaS palavraS não hão de passar. (Obs: não diz "idéias", nem "doutrinas", mas PALAVRAS, no plural)

Marcos 13
31 Passará o céu e a terra, mas aS minhaS palavraS não passarão. (Obs: não diz "idéias", nem "doutrinas", mas PALAVRAS, no plural)

Mateus 4
4b .......Nem só de pão viverá o homem, mas de toda a palavra que sai da boca de Deus. (Obs: não pode faltar nenhuma!)

Lucas 4
4b ........nem só de pão viverá o homem, mas de toda a palavra de Deus (Obs: não apenas parte da palavra).

Não há polêmica nenhuma sobre este assunto na Bíblia. É impossível, a partir da leitura da Bíblia, chegar a qualquer outra conclusão sobre este assunto. As palavras de Deus não vão passar, temos todas em nossas mãos, graças a Deus. Os crentes, através das igrejas fiéis como a de Filadélfia, possuem a palavra de Deus e a guardam, e essas palavras permanecerão até mesmo depois que passarem os céus e a terra. Leiamos estas palavras, memorizemos e obedeçamos.

setembro 27, 2010

DEALING WITH DISCOURAGEMENT / Lidando com o desânimo

Dealing with discouragement is a subject we need to know something about. It is a fairly common malady. And, in spite of the resources God makes available to us, Christians can become discouraged too. So it is worthwhile taking thought regarding some of its causes and cures. My article this month is a little longer than usual, and maybe what I have to say is not new to you. But we need these reminders–I know I do!

If we are looking for a basic definition, it is found in the word itself–dis- couraged, indicating the opposite of, or the absence of courage. The one who feels this way is: less confident, less hopeful, persuaded not to act, or prevented from action by objections or obstacles. We could say a person who is discouraged is one or all of the following:

¤ Disheartened by obstacles, failure, or criticism

¤ Distressed and fearful, lacking courage and confidence

¤ Disillusioned, losing hope for the future

¤ Disinterested, apathetic, lacking initiative

¤ Doubtful about the value of certain actions

¤ Down on himself/herself, with a poor sense of worth

Is that where you find yourself just now? Take heart. There are some practical things you can do to cope with, and even conquer, discouragement. But before we look at them, we need to think about some of the common causes of this condition.

Time is a key element. If a friend promises to visit, and delays for a day, there may be disappointment, but not likely discouragement–unless the promise has been made and broken on a number of occasions, over time. Discouragement only grows as day after day passes and the hoped-for circumstances do not unfold. Delay and deferment of a promise or an expected benefit is at the root of these dejected and dispirited feelings. Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred [postponed, dragged out] makes the heart sick, but when desire comes it is a tree of life." The time factor is expressed in the lament of Jeremiah: "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved!" (Jer. 8:20).

So, was the Lord Jesus ever discouraged? In response, we must remember that as the God-Man, fully God and fully man, He is unique. As the Son of God, He knows the hearts of all men and what to expect of them (Jn. 2:24-25). Further, as deity, His sovereign purpose will be accomplished in the end (Isa. 9:6-7; Acts 15:18). Discouragement is a word that does not fit Christ precisely.

Nevertheless He experienced a sorrow on earth (Isa. 53:3), very much akin to discouragement, when "He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him" (Jn. 1:11). He grieved over the unbelief of the Jews, saying, "How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing" (Matt. 23:37). Not only that, but those to whom He wanted to show mercy and compassion nailed Him to a cross!

The Bible says, "Consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls" (Heb. 12:3). Realizing how much Jesus went through out of love for us helps to keep our own troubles in perspective. And we know that now, as our great High Priest in heaven, Christ is able to sympathize with us in our weaknesses, because on earth He was "in all points tempted as we are" (Heb. 4:14-15). Therefore we can come to Him for help in times of discouragement, just as at other times (vs. 16).


What are some of the experiences and conditions in our lives that precipitate discouragement? Here are a number of problems that are common.

1. Fatigue from overwork and/or stress, and a depletion of emotional energy (I Kgs. 19:2-8; cf. 18:17-40)

2. Facing seemingly endless difficulties, or feeling frustration over too much to do (Num. 21:4-5; Neh. 4:10-11)

3. Loneliness–seeming to be neglected, feeling alone in the struggle, with others not doing to do their share (Num 32:6-7; II Tim. 4:10, 16)

4. Harsh (or inconsistent) supervision or discipline (Col. 3:21). This applies not only to children in the home, but to difficult relationships adults may have with employers or others in authority.

5. Past failure (perhaps repeated failures) in particular endeavours

6. Inexperience and unrealistic idealism (often seen in young people)

7. Fear of criticism or of failure

8. Unrealistic expectations of ourselves

9. Former supports suddenly taken away (health, wealth, friends, position, etc.)

10. Illness or injury, and the added weakness it brings. (Certain drugs taken at such times can affect our moods as well.)

11. The attacks of the devil (I Pet. 5:8). "Satan" means adversary, and "devil" means accuser or slanderer. Called the accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:9-10), he hurls at us fiery darts of accusation and blame, hoping to discourage us (Eph. 6:16).

12. Lack of faith in God. It might be rather glib, and even uncaring, to simply say the accused person would be fine if he or she had more faith. Situations can be more complex than that. Nevertheless, this can be a significant factor (Deut. 1:21, 28).

So much for some things that can nurture or contribute to discouragement. Now for some good news! There are remedies that can be applied. "Cure" may be too strong a word, as it suggests the malady will never return. But it is at least treatable when it does. Sometimes it is helpful to see a pastor or a doctor, but here are basic things we can do ourselves that can help.

1. Getting better organized.
Whether it concerns our time, or our living space, disorganization and clutter can produce confusion and stress, and ultimately discourage us from fulfilling our duties or tackling the work at hand. Better organization may be the answer. A practical way to ward off discouragement is to create a realistic schedule of work to be done, and also to see that the area around us is as free of chaotic clutter as possible.

An important corollary of this is to live one day at a time (sometimes it's necessary to live one moment at a time). While it is worthwhile to make some plans for the future (cf. Lk. 14:28-30), none of us knows exactly what the future may bring (Jas. 4:13-15). Focusing on today and trusting God for the grace to deal with what comes our way today is an important aspect of organizing our lives. Being troubled by regret over the failures of yesterday, or fretting anxiously over the unknowns of tomorrow, invariably robs us of the energy to deal with the present. Focus on today.

2. Rest and recreation for body and mind.
If health problems can be at the root of discouragement–and they can--we need to do our best to maintain good health. And if taxing fatigue can make us susceptible to such moods, we need to take time for refreshing breaks. One day, Jesus said to His disciples, "‘Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.' For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat" (Mk. 6:31).

Most of us can endure crisis situations that require long hours and extra energy for a short time. But that should not be the regular or constant thing. We all need a break. Even a "minute vacation" during a busy day can sometimes recharge our batteries. Another thing that is beneficial is laughter. Take time to read a wholesomely humorous book, or watch a funny movie. The Bible says, "A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones" (Prov. 17:22). DVD's are available of some of the old situation comedies--I Love Lucy, The Andy Griffith Show, and more. These are usually just wholesome fun, without the immoral overtones of so many of today's shows.

3. Seeking encouraging friends.
The old song says the prairies are a place "where seldom is heard a discouraging word, / And the skies are not cloudy all day." Whether or not that is the case, we need to make friends who will accept us as we are, gently pointing us to the Lord, and be a strength and encouragement to us and not bombard us with discouraging words. During the Boer War, a man was actually court-martialed for comments discouraging the soldiers defending a town. The tribunal judged it to be a crime to speak disheartening words at such a critical time.

When Israel camped on the borders of the Promised Land, they sent in spies to check out the territory. The twelve men returned with a mixed report. Two of them (Caleb and Joshua) encouraged the nation to trust in God, moving forward to conquer the land God was giving them. But the other ten saw only the obstacles and the dangers ahead. The Israelites listened to the majority. They said, "Where can we go up? Our brethren have discouraged our hearts, saying, ‘The people are greater and taller than we; the cities are great and fortified up to heaven" (Deut. 1:28).

Who needs "friends" with a message like that! The result of this faithless discouragement was that Israel spent another forty years in the wilderness. And none of the men except Caleb and Joshua ever saw the Promised Land. When we are going through difficulties, when we are facing challenges in our lives, we need those who will lift us up, and help us to find new hope. We need friends we can turn to for help and support.

4. Nurturing a positive attitude.
Resisting discouragement is not always easy. In part, it involves a realistic appreciation for our limitations. We must seek to do what we can do, and not anguish over what we cannot. The more positive our attitude, the more we will be willing to try, and try again, even when we fail. Florence Shinn wrote, "Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement" But we are not omnipotent, as God is. And we need to make a distinction between perfection and excellence. We can aim to do our best (excellence), but if we insist on perfection (which is only possible for God), we will be discouraged every time.

Sometimes it is helpful, when we feel discouragement threatening, to set aside what we are doing and take up a job we know, from past experience, that we are good at and comfortable with. When we do some small task that has been rewarding in the past, success will promote positive feelings that can make other challenges easier to face later on.

Another element in having a positive attitude is to discipline our minds to focus on the Lord, and not on our problems. Or to see our problems through God's eyes, as we meditate on Him and His Word. The words of the prophet Habakkuk reflect this outlook. He says, "Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labour of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no fruit; though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls [all things that could discourage one!]– Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation, The Lord God is my strength..." (Hab. 3:17-19).

5. Promoting a wholesome thought life.
Related to the previous point, distressing or depressing reading can have its affect on our moods. So can the nightly News, which at times seems a constant litany of gloom. (We may have to weigh the value of being informed over against the detriment of that constant stream of negativity.) The Bible speaks to this very clearly: "Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy–meditate on these things" (Phil. 4:8).

One thing that fits this description (besides the Bible itself, of course) is Christian biographies. We need to be exposed regularly to accounts of courage and determination that conquered obstacles through faith in God, and accomplished great things for Him.

Sometimes achievements come in spite of great handicaps. Many years ago, a young lawyer suffered from such deep depression that he would not even carry a pocket knife, fearful of using it to harm himself. He said, "I am now the most miserable man living. Whether I shall ever be better, I cannot tell. I awfully forebode I shall not." But he was wrong about that. He not only learned to cope with his bouts of discouragement, he went on to become one of the most lauded presidents of the United States. His name is Abraham Lincoln.

6. Taking the long-range view.
Discouragement tends to focus on the now. But there may be a great deal to be thankful for and be encouraged by in the longer range. Prophesying about the work of the coming Messiah, Isaiah said, "He will not fail nor be discouraged, till He has established justice in the earth" (Isa. 42:4). "Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross" (Heb. 12:2). The sufferings Christ underwent during His time on earth were great, but what encouraged Him was the end result up ahead. That is the principle behind Romans 8:28 too (and see II Cor. 5:1-5).

The Word of God exhorts, "Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart" (Gal. 6:9). "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (I Cor. 15:58). That is the long range view!

7. Recognizing God's power revealed in our weakness glorifies Him.
At the heart of man's first sin in the garden of Eden was a desire to be independent of God. "You will be like God" (Gen. 3:5) was the temptation with which Satan enticed our first parents. But we are not God. And we can only fulfil our potential as we walk in faith and obedience toward our Creator. The trials and difficulties that come our way are important reminders of this. Paul's paradoxical statement, "When I am weak, then I am strong" (II Cor. 12:10), means that God's power came to fullest flower in his weakness. For this he rejoiced, because the Lord's work in and through him brought honour and glory not to Paul, but to God (II Cor. 12:9).

This basic principle is taught in other passages. The hunger experienced by the children of Israel in the wilderness had a purpose. It was to remind them of how weak and vulnerable they were without God. "So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna...that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord" (Deut. 8:3). As John the Baptist put it, "He must increase, but I must decrease" (Jn. 3:30). Trusting God in our weakness will become a witness to His greater glory.

8. A commitment to trust in the Lord.
With the prophet we declare, "Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid" (Isa. 12:2). "Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:6). The Lord Jesus reassured His disciples, "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me" (Jn. 14:1). The Christian can declare with confidence that nothing "shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom. 8:38-39).

Our faith may be feeble at best, but as we commit ourselves to trusting God, the Spirit of God indwelling each believer will strengthen our souls to go on with more confidence. John Bunyan, the author of The Pilgrim's Progress, wrote a hymn that says, "He who would valiant be / ‘Gainst all disaster; / Let him in constancy / Follow the Master. / There's no discouragement / Shall make him once relent; / His first avowed intent / To be a pilgrim."

A practical aid to promoting faith in God is meditation on His promises. The Bible contains many of them–too many to list here. But as you come across them in your daily reading of God's Word, write them out, perhaps on small cards that you can carry with you, or post in a conspicuous place at home. Read them over, meditate on them, and memorize them. They will feed your soul. (To get started, see: Ps. 42:11; 55:22; Isa. 41:10; Jer. 29:11; Matt. 10:29-31; Rom. 8:28; Gal. 6:9; Heb. 13:5-6)

9. A consistent prayer life.
As the hymn "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" reminds us, "Have we trials and temptations? / Is there trouble anywhere? / We should never be discouraged, / Take it to the Lord in prayer." The Bible frequently calls upon the people of God to bring their problems and concerns to Him in prayer. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:6-7). "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord! (Ps. 27:14).

"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" (Isa. 40:28-31). Prayer is where to start (Heb. 4:14-16). Pray, and keep on praying!

10. Realizing the limits of our responsibility.
Finally, it is important to recognize that God has not called us to be "successful," but to be faithful. If we are discouraged about the "results" of our labours, it could be that we are taking on more responsibility that the Lord intends for us. Certainly the Bible makes it clear that in Christian ministry it is God Himself who produces results that will have eternal worth (I Cor. 3:6). As for us, "It is required in stewards that one be found faithful" (I Cor. 4:2). Let us keep on keeping on for the Lord, and leave the outcome to Him.

For some further help on this subject, see Depression Cry.


Lidando com o Desânimo PDF Imprimir E-mail
Lidando com o Desânimo
Não podemos completar a corrida pelas nossas próprias forças. Precisamos da força de Deus, que vem pela fé. Por isso, Hebreus nos ensina três exercícios de fé, que nos condicionam para superar os obstáculos da corrida da vida cristã.


Ivis Fernandes

Lembro-me das aulas de Educação Física que fiz durante o seminário. Houve uma época em que treinamos corrida. Não posso dizer que sou um bom corredor, mas mesmo assim estava animado para começar. Nos primeiro minutos de corrida tudo estava bem. Mas logo nosso professor nos levou para uma região de terreno irregular. Depois de uma curva acentuada, nos deparamos com uma grande subida, que teríamos de percorrer antes de retornar. Quando me deparei com aquele morro, tenho que confessar que fiquei desanimado. Deu vontade de desistir. Eu não tinha o condicionamento físico necessário para fazer aquela corrida do começo ao fim.

Algumas vezes algo semelhante pode acontecer conosco em nossa vida cristã. Diante de alguns obstáculos, nós desanimamos e pensamos em desistir. Nesses momentos, precisamos nos voltar para a Palavra de Deus e buscar a ajuda que necessitamos. Por isso, vejamos o que a Palavra de Deus tem a nos dizer sobre como completar a corrida da vida cristã, mesmo diante de grandes obstáculos.

Hebreus 12.1-3 Portanto, também nós, uma vez que estamos rodeados por tão grande nuvem de testemunhas, livremo-nos de tudo o que nos atrapalha e do pecado que nos envolve, e corramos com perseverança a corrida que nos é proposta, tendo os olhos fitos em Jesus, autor e consumador da nossa fé. Ele, pela alegria que lhe fora proposta, suportou a cruz, desprezando a vergonha, e assentou-se à direita do trono de Deus. Pensem bem naquele que suportou tal oposição dos pecadores contra si mesmo, para que vocês não se cansem nem desanimem.

O autor de Hebreus escreveu para cristãos que estavam sendo perseguidos e passando por muitas tribulações. É possível que muitos estivessem fraquejando no cristianismo diante das perseguições. Neste contexto, a carta de Hebreus mostra a supremacia de Jesus, de modo a fazer com que permanecessem firmes na fé cristã, mesmo diante das tribulações. Por isso, no capítulo 11 vemos muitas pessoas, como nós, que superaram grandes obstáculos pela fé. Assim, no começo do capítulo 12, o autor de Hebreus fala a respeito da corrida da vida cristã, e da necessidade de nós a corrermos com perseverança, mesmo diante de grandes tribulações.

Não podemos completar a corrida pelas nossas próprias forças. Precisamos da força de Deus, que vem pela fé. Por isso, Hebreus nos ensina três exercícios de fé, que nos condicionam para superar os obstáculos da corrida da vida cristã.


Portanto, também nós, uma vez que estamos rodeados por tão grande nuvem de testemunhas... (v.1a)

Esse exercício consiste em olhar para o testemunho daqueles que completaram a corrida antes que nós. Ele nos dá a energia que precisamos para continuar.

A grande nuvem de testemunhas a que o texto se refere é aquela que está no capítulo onze. Pessoas como nós, que completaram a corrida não por suas próprias forças, mas pela fé. O testemunho de vida de outros cristãos, que permaneceram firmes mesmo diante de grandes dificuldades, é um exemplo do cuidado de Deus com seus filhos. Isso deve produzir em nós um encorajamento. Deve nos dar mais energia para continuar, naqueles momentos em que pensamos em desistir.

É interessante perceber como exemplos de outras pessoas podem nos encorajar quando estamos desanimados. O professor de Educção Física de que falei no início é exemplo encorajador. Por causa de problemas de saúde que teve quando criança, ele não poderia sequer andar hoje. No entanto, atualmente não sei se existe alguém no seminário que consiga ganhar dele numa corrida de resistência. Ele é um exemplo de alguém que superou barreiras enormes para poder vencer.

E são exemplos assim que o autor de Hebreus apresenta no capítulo 11. Abel, Enoque, Noé, Abraão, Moisés, José e muitos outros. Pessoas como nós, imperfeitas, pecadoras, que encontraram grandes barreiras em suas vidas, mas perseveraram pela fé.

Algumas pessoas podm não se sentir encorajadas por estes exemplos porque os acham distantes demais. O problema é que, na mente destas pessoas, estes homens eram estraordinários, de uma maneira que nunca poderemos ser. Mas essa idéia é errada. É justamente por isso, que Hebreus mostra que estes homens fizeram tudo aquilo não pelas suas forças, mas única e exclusivamente pela fé. A capacidade não veio deles, mas de Deus. Quando olhamos para estes nomes, não devemos pensar: “Puxa, como Moisés era bom!” Não. Pelo contrário, devemos pensar como Deus é bom. Eles só precisaram crer e Deus fez tudo aquilo por eles. Essa deve ser a nossa forma de olhar para o testemunho daquelas pessoas que completaram a corrida de maneira vitoriosa.

Por isso, toda vez que você enfrentar um problema que pareça muito grande aos seus olhos, lembre-se de como Deus foi fiel para com aqueles que creram. Lembre-se das vezes em que Deus foi fiel em sua própria vida. Isso lhe dará o condicionamento que você precisa para prosseguir.


...livremo-nos de tudo o que nos atrapalha e do pecado que nos envolve... (v.1b)

Esse exercício remove o pesa a mais, que nos atrapalha na corrida. Consiste em abandonar o pecado.

Não sei se vocês já repararam naqueles corredores profissionais. Eles quase não tem gordura nenhuma no corpo. Especialmente os corredores de longa distância são todos magros. Além disso, eles usam o mínimo de roupa possível. Tudo isso para que não aja peso desnecessário que venha atrapalhar o desempenho do atleta.

Se vamos participar de uma longa corrida, precisamos deixar toda a bagagem e peso desnecessário, pois, do contrário, não conseguiremos completar a corrida.

É justamente isso que o autor de Hebreus está falando. Devemos deixar de lado tudo aquilo que pode nos atrapalhar na nossa vida cristã. E, sem dúvida, o maior peso é o pecado. O pecado nos afastar de Deus. Longe do Senhor, não teremos a força necessária para superar as dificuldades quando elas chegarem.

Você consegue se imaginar subindo um morro correndo, carregando nas costas uma mochila cheia de pedras? Pode ser que você seja um exímio atleta e consiga fazer isso, mas em se tratando de uma corrida de longa distância, até o melhor atleta irá se cansar em algum momento. É normal que uma pessoa assim desanime diante de qualquer obstáculo, porque não tem forças para continuar.

Deus nos ensina a tirar o pecado de nossa vida, buscando uma vida de santidade, de modo a não vai haver nenhum obstáculo que impeça a ação de Deus em sua vida.


...tendo os olhos fitos em Jesus, autor e consumador da nossa fé. Ele, pela alegria que lhe fora proposta, suportou a cruz, desprezando a vergonha, e assentou-se à direita do trono de Deus. Pensem bem naquele que suportou tal oposição dos pecadores contra si mesmo, para que vocês não se cansem nem desanimem. tendo os olhos fitos em Jesus, autor e consumador da nossa fé. (v.2,3)

Esse exercício consiste em olhar para o exemplo de nosso Senhor Jesus e imitá-lo.

O texto bíblico mostra que o maior exercício de fé, que nos condiciona para completar a corrida da vida cristã é olhar para Jesus. É Ele que nos dá a direção necessária e também nos dá o maior exemplo de perseverança diante da perseguição e da tribulação.

Mas além disso, o texto mostra como o próprio Jesus reagiu diante de situações de dificuldade. Ele desanimou? Ele desistiu? Você pode imaginar o que seria de nós se Cristo tivesse desistido diante de todas as perseguições que Ele passou? Mas ao invés disso, Ele perseverou, e cumpriu sua missão neste mundo. E o que Jesus suportou é muitíssimo mais do que eu e você passamos.

É interessante perceber como o exemplo de um pai influencia o comportamento do filho. Eu tenho um sobrinho pequeno que imita o pai em muitas coisas. Isso gera uma grande responsabilidade para os pais, pois os filhos costumam imitar tanto as coisas boas como as ruins. Jesus deixou para nós um exemplo perfeito, e ele deve ser imitado por todos aqueles que O seguem. Ele enfrentou grandes tribulações sem desistir. Esse deve ser o nosso comportamento também.

Praticando regularmente estes exercícios, teremos o condicionamento necessário para lidar com as dificuldades da vida sem desanimar.

Eu não sei quais são obstáculos que existem em sua vida hoje, mas quero que você se lembre desses exercícios de fé. Muita vezes, quando surge um obstáculo na nossa frente, nosso primeiro pensamento é: “como é grande este obstáculo que euvou ter que superar”. Nossa primeira idéia é que teremos que ultrapassar as barreiras por nós mesmos. E aí o desânimo realmente vem. Quero que, daqui para frente, você encare os problemas de maneira diferente. Não pense neles como uma grande barreira, mas como uma grande oportunidade confiar em Deus, e ver Ele fazer maravilhas em sua vida.

Nos vemos na linha de chegada!

Conselheiro Bíblico

Good Things Are Happening! A Messianic Praise and Progress Report

October 1, 1994

This is an archived article. It originally appeared on October 1, 1994. Some information may be outdated.

God is doing great things in our midst! It is good to bear one another's burdens, but we also need to lift one another's spirits with good news. So rejoice with us!

We have a saying in Jews for Jesus: "Every knock is a boost." That certainly proved to be the case for our Odessa branch on Rosh Hashanah.

It came as no surprise when the Chabad in Odessa rented a hall on the same street as ours. We knew they would attempt to divert people away from our service, and that they would use teenagers to interfere. But Elizabeth Terini, who heads our Odessa work, rounded up all the teens, gave them a lecture and sent them on their way. Meanwhile, volunteers from a local church served as ushers to make sure our guests were able to come to our services unhindered.

Since some of our "friends" came and held signs that declared the "real" High Holiday services were down the street at Chabad, one of our volunteers stood in front of their hall with a sign inviting people to come to our meeting and learn about Jesus the Messiah.

We were overjoyed that more than 500 people attended our service, and 12 Jewish people made decisions for Y'shua. And in Moscow, 480 attended, and that included an overflow of about 100 people packing out the ante room. Praise God, 42 people came forward to pray for repentance and a new life in Y'shua, one of whom was a Gentile.

We also had a fantastic summer of Witnessing Campaigns in New York City, Toronto, Paris and Moscow. A total of 2,258,991 individuals received gospel tracts. Plus, 2,509 Jewish people gave us their names and addresses to hear more about Jesus. Even better, 565 souls prayed on the streets, asking Y'shua to be their Lord and Messiah, 74 of whom were Jewish.

That's not all! Every week our New York staff reports more decisions from post-Campaign contacts. A few Jewish people who have come to faith since Campaign ended are: Jacqueline, whom Campaigner Tali met at the Brooklyn Bridge; Daniel, who is confined to a wheelchair and has been angry with God; and Barry, who for weeks has been praying for God to help him accept the truth about Jesus.

In other news, from Johannesburg, South Africa, to Los Angeles, California, our missionaries find God continuing to work in the hearts of those who seemed to have lost interest in Jesus. Peter and Jay, Jewish men from the above mentioned cities, both recently came to faith in Jesus. Both had cooled considerably toward the gospel, then suddenly God's Spirit reawakened their interest. So don't be too discouraged if someone you know who once seemed open to the gospel appears to have lost interest. Keep praying and be ready to respond when God starts to work!

We hope these bits of good news give your heart a lift. The format of this "Mishpochah Message" is a bit different because we want to share more praise and progress — not only from Jews for Jesus' victories — but progress that various ministries and congregations are enjoying in the Lord.

So let us take encouragement from one another's victories and cheer for one another's successes, remembering that all the glory belongs to the Lord!

God Moves Through Music!

Members of Jews for Jesus' traveling music team, The Liberated Wailing Wall, often phone local Jewish people to extend an invitation to their presentations. Team member Anna was discouraged one day because she mostly left messages on answering machines. Yet that night, someone she'd called came to the presentation and asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior!

Team member Joshua said, "It's exciting to see the fruit of those who went before us. This month I have met two Jewish believers who came to faith through the ministry of The Liberated Wailing Wall. I also met a Gentile who came to the Lord through the LWW; she brought a Jewish friend to one of our meetings!"

The Advantages of Adversity

A news release from Chosen People Ministries reported how God takes what is meant for evil and uses it for good. A riot broke out on Kings Highway in Brooklyn, New York, when 60 Hasidic Jews surrounded the book table from which Chosen People staffers were distributing tracts. One angry man overturned the book table, screamed, and shredded the literature. A woman who had cursed a police officer for protecting the team was taken to jail. Several more CPM team members were across the street, and many of the secular Jews passing by began asking them questions, accepting tracts, and defending the right of Chosen People Ministries to continue their outreach!

Haim Levi of Beth Israel Congregation has also seen opposition work for good: "Our congregation is now located about three miles from the Jewish Community Center. Some rabbis, in expressing anger over our presence, aroused peoples' curiosity. We've had more Jewish visitors and some have come to know the Lord, including an 83-year-old gentleman. He then invited his wife and she, who is from an Orthodox background, also has come to know the Lord."

Stacie Knable-Crook reporting for Ariel Ministries: "This year's twenty-first annual Camp Shoshanah discipleship program was "packed out" once again. Campers came from as far away as New Zealand and Germany. More than a dozen received tvilah (immersion). And even as we write, our fourth special week-long Shoshanah for Russian-Jewish immigrants comes to a close. Of the 50 plus campers, at least 12 professed saving faith in Messiah! We thank Y'shua for His grace in this regard, as well as His protection during Arnold's successful five-week intensive study trek in Israel."

Fred Hartman, for Friends of Israel: "One of the most exciting things we are seeing is ministry among Russian Jews. In the Atlanta area we have a Tuesday night Bible study running about150 Russian-speaking Jews. About 35 have already come to know Jesus as their Messiah. That is one of the most thrilling things we have seen in a long while. We also are working among Russian Jews in Newport News, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati. God is blessing in each one of these areas. And we are planning an outreach into Russia with our workers from Poland this fall.

"Another exciting thing is the fact that the Lord has enabled us to broadcast in Hebrew into Israel three times a week. And this is done by Motel K., who is the son of Tsvi, a Holocaust survivor.

"One other area I'd like to touch upon is that our name, Friends of Israel, has given us opportunities to minister to some of the leaders in Israel as well as the top leaders of Israeli government in the United States!"

A Joyful Meeting occurred when a German Jewish believer who came to faith 12 years ago met another Jewish believer for the first time. Stewart Weinisch, who was part of the Chosen People endeavors in Germany last summer said, "I've never seen a person cry when he met other Jewish believers! Everything that came out of his mouth was a praise to God!"

Opportunities to be heard: "We have been very encouraged by the increasing openness of our community. Newspapers now send people to us for interviews, rather than simply printing hearsay. We were invited to participate with a huge float in the Fourth of July parade. Our klezmer orchestra played Dixieland jazz while our children, clad in Ruach Israel T-shirts, waved to the crowd. People are becoming more aware that there is a congregation where they can come and feel free to ask about Y'shua.

"We are also developing in terms of our adult education program, and this is very important.

"But the best thing is that more and more Russian Jewish people are coming among us and finding Messiah. This is a very joyful course of events and one we would like to see continue."

—Rich Nichol,
Ruach Israel

New Resources Available for Outreach to Russian Jews

Jim Melnick of Friends of Soviet Jewry reported: "We are excited about our new Russian messianic songbook. I visited a congregation in Maryland; they only had one copy and some overheads, so I brought more copies. The joy on their faces as they sang to the Lord was a tremendous encouragement.

"We are also excited about our newspaper, Mezhdunarodnaya Messianskaya Gazeta (The International Messianic Newspaper). We hope to reach unbelievers as well as believers, and part of our vision is to include articles on the arts and cultural topics as well as things of a spiritual nature.

"We printed 15,000 copies of our first issue and 6,000 copies of our second. Avi Snyder of Jews for Jesus in Moscow told me that his staff of Russian Jewish believers just devoured the first one. That is the reaction we are getting from many places. We hope to build a huge circulation that will give Russian Jews access to the very best materials from many different ministries. We think the newspaper can help build community among believers. We have requests from as far away as Latvia and Australia — wherever groups of Russian-speaking Jewish believers gather. We want to make sure they know that they are not alone, that there are places they can turn to for encouragement."

If you are involved in ministry to Russian Jews and are interested in further information regarding the songbook or the newspaper, write to Friends of Soviet Jewry, P.O. Box 2567, Springfield, VA 22152 USA.

Dan Strull of Olive Tree Congregation said, "I am encouraged by people in our congregation seeing Y'shua as sufficient to deal with life's problems. A couple who were ready to leave each other had a real neat turning to the Lord. Now they are committed to working on the marriage.

"We have a family who had $27,000 in personal debt. Everybody told them to file bankruptcy. But they wanted to pay their debts and apply God's principles of stewardship to their lives. They got a smaller apartment, cut back expenses, started giving faithfully — and retired the entire debt in three-and-a half years. It was a step of faith and a real victory.

"We also are encouraged to see three or four non-believing Jewish people at services on a weekly basis. Best of all, Jewish people are coming to know the Lord. We recently immersed six people, including four children of people who attend the congregation. One is a teen who faces typical peer pressures, yet wanted to be immersed. It is encouraging to see the next generation making choices to honor the Lord.

"In the last four months we've had two bat mitzvahs and a bar mitzvah. It is a joy to see kids go through training. Of course, the fact that my daughter was one of them added to it. Many non-believing family members attended, and it has been a strong testimony for Y'shua.

"As President of the Fellowship of Messianic Congregations, I'm encouraged that we've received three new member congregations. One of our congregations shares a facility with a Conservative Baptist church. Both are led by Rich Freeman. I like that link between a Messianic congregation and a non-Messianic congregation."

Willingness to Stretch Brings Blessings

Herb Links of Beth Messiah told us, "I was apprehensive about serving as chaplain for the Jews for Jesus Witnessing Campaign, knowing that the schedule would be rigorous and that I would feel vulnerable witnessing on the streets of New York. But as is often the case, that 'stretch' proved to be a tremendous blessing, not only during the Campaign itself, but afterward, as situation after situation enables me to put to use the experience I gained over the summer.

"I've been realizing how vastly God's mercy differs from my own. His mercy has become a strong motivating factor in my life. At the same time, the Campaign helped me reach out with much greater boldness to others, so I feel better equipped to express His mercy.

For example, I have tried to speak to a friend of mine about his backslidden state. After Campaign, we met again, and I was able to talk to him in a refreshed manner, in a spirit of mercy. There was a balance of being straightforward without bending crucial principles, and doing so without being a judge or executioner. That ministered life to me and, I hope, to him.

"I believe there is a correlation between having been willing to serve on the Campaign and the blessing that God confirms upon us when we obey Him, even in a situation we find challenging or difficult."

Jews for Jesus Summer Witnessing Campaign

Every day, Campaigners found themselves keeping "divine appointments," meeting people in what might appear to be "coincidental" times and places.

For example, we had two Israeli believers on our New York Witnessing Campaign. Tali was handing out tracts in the Diamond District when someone called her by name. It was an Israeli named Mara, whom Tali had known since kindergarten. Tali explained what she was doing and gave Mara a tract in Hebrew. Mara gave Tali her phone number so they could meet again. Pray that God will open Mara's heart to Jesus.

Campaigners take God very seriously but they sure know how to have fun!

The hot, sticky New York weather made our "Living Water" that much more appealing. Remember Jesus and the woman at the well? One Campaigner who followed in His footsteps reported:

"I had a great opportunity to share the gospel in Washington Square Park. I perched on the fence next to a water fountain and struck up conversations with people. One young man was very thin and looked ill. His arms were covered in tattoos. After hearing a simple explanation of the message of Jesus, he prayed to ask for God's forgiveness and salvation in Jesus. Later that night, two Israelis gave me their names and addresses to receive further information, and an ex-Muslim prayed for salvation in Jesus!

You've probably seen pictures of people handing out broadsides, but Jews for Jesus street evangelism involves a bit more than tract distribution… …like handing out free "Juice from Jesus" in the Diamond District of New York…

Every Campaigner wonders about the people who pray with us on the streets every summer. So it was particularly encouraging when, at the Brooklyn Bridge subway stop, a man waved and called out to a Campaigner, "I can't stop now, but I prayed with one of you two years ago at this station to ask Jesus into my life!" Praise God — He allows us to do work that is eternally significant!

…or putting up posters at 2 A.M. to raise a banner for Y'shua

There are so many stories from Campaigns all over the world, but we will have to end with this one from Moscow. One of our outreach workers reported that "many Jewish friends advised us not to do evangelism at a metro station called Krasnopresnenskaya, as it is famous for nationalistic (fascist/anti-Semitic) meetings. In the first week of Campaign training, we handed out tracts there three times. Many Jewish people asked us to send further information and one Jewish lady, Lina, prayed to receive the Lord. I know God protects us and helps us to do His will!"

Remarkable Outreach in Russia!

Henry Benach of the International Board of Jewish Missions reported, "In four years, more than 35,000 people have given their names and addresses, claiming to have trusted Jesus as their Savior for the first time. We use response cards in our meetings and let people know we're interested in knowing if they are Jewish. People draw Jewish stars and menorahs to indicate that they are Jewish. Now we are getting reports of people who have emigrated to Israel and they are sharing their faith in the Lord!" Jonathan Bernis of Hear O Israel Ministries reported 10,000 people came to faith during his three-day outreach in Moscow last Spring, at least half of whom were Jewish! Hear O Israel has planted a congregation to begin nurturing new Jewish believers. P.S.: The outreach was televised during prime-time hours on Russian television.

True Reconciliation Brings Results

Haim Levi, President of MJAA, told us, "The Lord brought about a beautiful reconciliation between the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America and our brethren of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. At Messiah '94 we asked each other for forgiveness for having hurt each other, for having acted wrongly. Then I went to San Diego where the UMJC conference took place and had a chance to ask them for forgiveness, first before the delegate structure and then before the whole body.

"This is something we have prayed about for a long time. I know that when leadership repents and gets right with God, the Lord is going to do great things. So, we expect great things!"

Rich Nichol, President of UMJC, said, "There have been a number of positive things happening in the UMJC, but number one would have to be the beginning of a new relationship with the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America.

"After 14 years of antagonism between the two organizations, a new trajectory has been established. Trust is building. We are learning to be friends. That's a big step and very, very positive."

Jeff Forman of Beth Yeshua Congregation added, "The enemy wants strife and discord. But when the Holy Spirit shows up there is reconciliation. The UMJC/MJAA reconciliation is most significant; it involves leaders of the movement. I think that perhaps that is why there has been a visitation of the Spirit.

"I've been working for Beth Yeshua and messianic ministries now for nine years, and the most significant ministry I've seen has been taking place within the last few months. Believers are being awakened to new zeal, new excitement, new prayer life. One way to know if revival is of God is when backsliders return to the Lord. And that is happening. There also is a general openness in our witnessing; we have been more outgoing in evangelism. I know other Messianic Congregations are experiencing the same thing. One is having prayer meetings several nights a week. And that, of course, is a sign that God is on the move. Yes, reconciliation is wonderful."

Good News for Israel Brings Good News to Latvia!

Kearney Frantsen, head of Good News for Israel, told us, "We are busily and happily involved with the Latvian Lutheran Diophenal Institute, a small Christian college that trains young people to live out their Christianity and witness to the people of post-Communist Latvia. I am concerned for the 25,000 Jewish people of Latvia, most of whom are in the Riga area, which is where the Latvian Lutheran Diophenal Institute is located. They had 36 students last semester; half are Jewish believers! We are helping them and they, in turn, will reach out to many people, including many Jewish people!"

From Israel to Mexico City

Wes Taber, leader of American Messianic Fellowship International, reported, "A couple of years ago we planted a congregation in Israel. We returned for another three weeks this past summer. The congregation, Tikvat Israel, has baptized at least nine believers now, Jewish believers that I know of. We also worked with three other Israeli congregations. I think we were an encouragement to them, and it was definitely a blessing for us to be involved with them in outreach.

"In Mexico City, praise the Lord, we have a retired medical doctor who just began a prison ministry. He reported our first profession of faith from a Jewish inmate, who is now being discipled."

Jews for Jesus is a team. When you are part of a team, you handle discouragement better because others uphold you and share the encouragement of good things that are happening on their side of the field. When good things are happening for you, you have a group to rejoice and be encouraged by your successes. Being on a team means your joys are amplified when you share them and your burdens are lessened through that same sharing.

If you are a team worker and you want to be on a winning team, it is possible that Jews for Jesus needs you — and that you need us. To find out more, check out the opportunities in our Classifieds area, write to: Stephen Katz, Minister at Large, Jews for Jesus, 60 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94102.

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setembro 11, 2010

Persecuted Countries Lista de paises - Cristãos Perseguidos

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Muslim Wedding Participants Desecrate Church

Monday, May 24th, 2010

Mass pullout from Shan state continues

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

Mostly Christian area of Shan state, Burma, faces impending attack

Muslim Radicals Attack Churches, Shot a Christian Man in Pakistan

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

Churches attacked in Pakistan. Lay minister shot by Muslim extremists in Karachi.

The Character of God in the Bible and the Qur’an; A Study In Contrasts

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

Jihad; The Teaching of Islam from its Primary Sources – the Quran and Hadith

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

College Fires Professor After Muslim Radicals Cut Off His Hand For “Blasphemy”

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

A union at Mahatma University wants Catholic-run Newman College to re-hire professor who lost his job because he “offended” the sentiments of the population with words deemed offensive to Muhammad. For this, unknown attackers chopped off his hand.

North Korea ranks No. 1 for deadliest persecution of Christians

Friday, September 10th, 2010

50 countries that persecute Christians based on their faith are listed out. Christians in North Korea suffer more persecution than in the other countries.

Chinese mourn bishop who died in detention

Friday, September 10th, 2010

A Chinese underground church bishop who died in prison in 2007 remembered and mourned on the third anniversary of his death; prayers offered for the release from detention of two underground bishops.

Chengguan Church Faces Destruction; Members Appeal

Friday, September 10th, 2010

Government officials in the Fanchang County of China planning to demolish a church under pretext while members of the church attempt to resist the plan.

Congressional Religious Freedom Scorecard Released

Friday, September 10th, 2010

Open Doors releases the first annual religious freedom scorecard for US Congress

Hindu Extremist MP Sentenced For Killings in Orissa Anti-Christian Pogrom

Friday, September 10th, 2010

Manoj Pradhan will serve six years in prison and pay a fine for killing a Christian during the pogroms of 2008. In June he was convicted of another murder, but the Orissa High Court had granted him freedom on probation. Christian’s lawyer: “Now the victims can begin to have a little confidence in Indian legal system.”

Christian Assaulted in Orissa State, India

Friday, September 10th, 2010

Extremists in Kandhamal vowed to kill a Christian around date of Hindu leader’s death.

Egyptian Security Forces Storm Monastery, Assault Monks

Friday, September 10th, 2010

The Political Violence of the Bible and the Koran

Friday, September 10th, 2010

A Law in Indian Village: Christians Can’t Exercise Their Faith

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

“No Christian activities like prayer, worship, singing and preaching is allowed within Chingmeirong Kabui village Ward No. 173, any living person violating this order will be punished under the rules and regulation of the village council.”

Transformation comes to SouthEast Asia

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

The transforming power of Scripture comes to the Ketning

Indonesian religious group against plans to “Burn the Koran”

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Christians, Muslims meet for prayer aiming to strengthen tolerance and coexistence; condemn the planned burning of the Koran.

Church Building in Bogor, Indonesia Re-opens – for a Day

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Church sealed at night by head of security police with no legal ground under pressure from government officials and politicians

Quran Burning Controversy Reveals Perilous Plight of Persecuted Christians Overseas

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

“The greatest tragedy is how persecuted Christians find themselves precariously at risk due to the offenses of one tiny Florida church.”

Humanitarian Victims or Christian Martyrs: What’s in a Word?

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Kazakhstan: Proposed new Administrative Code to be reworked, existing penalties remain

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

The Kazakhstan Parliament’s proposed new Code of Administrative Offences is not likely to improve on religious freedom violations, and will remain unable to stop the government from punishing those attending unregistered religious activity.

Churches in Henan Heavily Regulated

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Details on latest developments with oppressed church in China

Chen Guangcheng’s Prison Sentence Extended

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Blind human rights activist faces further injustice

Nigeria’s Christian Leaders Concerned After Hundreds of Muslim Radicals Escape From Prison

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

The group is responsible for killing several Christians, including three pastors.

Somali Christian Killed, Four Children Kidnapped

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Al Shabaab insurgents allegedly seek to train young ones as Islamist soldiers

Church In India Threatened Over Qur’an Burning

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Cardinal Zen: Catholic Church in China, dialogue or confrontation with the government

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

The Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong comes out against the Chinese government and marginalizing the experience of the suffering and underground Church.

The Disappearing Christians of Iraq

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Christian Copts Living As Slaves to Muslims in Egyptian Village

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Turkmenistan: Five years’ imprisonment for arrested Protestant pastor?

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010