This Portion
This week's portion is Noach | נח | "Noah"
- Torah: Genesis 6:9-11:32
- Prophets: Isaiah 54:1-55:5
- Gospel: Matthew 3-4
Portion Outline 
- Torah
- Genesis 6:1 | The Wickedness of Humankind
- Genesis 6:9 | Noah Pleases God
- Genesis 7:1 | The Great Flood
- Genesis 8:1 | The Flood Subsides
- Genesis 8:20 | God's Promise to Noah
- Genesis 9:1 | The Covenant with Noah
- Genesis 9:18 | Noah and His Sons
- Genesis 10:1 | Nations Descended from Noah
- Genesis 11:1 | The Tower of Babel
- Genesis 11:10 | Descendants of Shem
- Genesis 11:27 | Descendants of Terah
- Prophets
- Isaiah 54:1 | The Eternal Covenant of Peace
- Isaiah 55:1 | An Invitation to Abundant Life
- Gospel
- Luke 1:5-80 | Annunciations
Portion Summary 
The second reading in the book of Genesis is named after Noah. In Hebrew, the name Noah is spelled Noach (נח). The word Noach is related to the Hebrew word for “rest.” Genesis 5:29 says that his parents named him Noah (Noach נח) because they hoped their son would give them rest (nacham, נחם) from their toil. The contents of section Noah tell the story of Noah’s flood, the tower of Babel and the beginning of the Abrahamic line.
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