July 6, 2010, - 1:09 pm
Who is Behind “Son of HAMAS”? Meet His Anti-Israel Ghost-Writer (Published by PJM)
For several weeks, many people have asked me why I haven’t written about Mosab Hassan Yousef a/k/a “Son of HAMAS”? They’ve naively bought into the gushing on the right and by the clueless professional counter-jihad class over this guy and the book someone else wrote for him. They gush over cleverly evasive FOX News videos and programs touting this strange new hero.
Things Are Not Always What They Seem . . . or What They Tell You For Money
But I do not. That’s why I said nothing when Youssef fought deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a fight in which the government relented last week. It’s not just that Youssef is yet another in the post-9/11 professional Muslim-and-Arab-frauds-denounce-Islam-for-Jewish-and-Christian-cash industry. I don’t know about you. But my savior against Islam does not have an Arabic accent. It has my own accent. It’s my own actions and critical thinking and my own G-d. It’s my own beliefs, my own will, and my own analysis and inquiry. If you need to gush over these charlatans (who are laughing at you all the way to the bank) to feel you’re fighting Islam’s takeover of America, you aren’t . . . and you’re a fool. Worse than useless. You’re sheep, and not the kind that tastes best on my barbecue. You are so weak personally that you need some Former Muslim version of a Sham Wow salesman to confirm what you think but aren’t quite convinced of. Sad. And that’s why America won’t likely beat Islam.
But there’s more to Youssef’s story. His book, “Son of HAMAS,” was written by Ron Brackin, a very nice, decent guy with whom I once worked . . . but a VERY ANTI-ISRAEL guy. I liked him personally and am hesitant to write about him. But it must be done. Ron does missionary work in the so-called Palestinian territories and is proof positive that not all Evangelical Christians are pro-Israel. When I once–over two decades ago–worked with this man, he was generally very sweet, very pro-Israel, and philo-Semitic. But, once, he made sure to point out to me that Judas was a Jew. As a teen-aged kid at the time, it bothered me. And, now, he’s very anti-Israel, a hatred that came out in a telephone conversation I had with him a couple of years ago. That explains Youssef’s anti-Israel and not-so-veiled anti-Semitic comments in the book.
You may remember in 2008, when Congressman Mark Siljander–my employer over two decades ago–was indicted for lying to the FBI and laundering money from an Islamic charity which was shut down after being classified by the Treasury Department as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity. As I wrote in 2008, Siljander was one of the earlier leaders in Congress who “got it” on jihad and Israel, so he knew better and clearly did this for cash.
Ron Brackin was Mark Siljander’s press secretary during the brief time that I worked there. He was a sweet man who also “got it” on jihad and Israel. But, since then, he, too, turned away on the Israel issue. While Brackin does missionary work, converting Palestinian and Iraqi Muslims to Christianity, his views on Israel are inaccurate and hateful. In a telephone conversation we had after Siljander was indicted in 2008, my jaw dropped as I listened to Brackin spew forth allegations about Israel ethnically cleansing Palestinian Christians and persecuting them. It’s the same stuff that comes from every sector of the anti-Israel, pan-Arab amen crowd.
In his freshly warped view, Ron believes in the apparent moral equivalency of HAMAS, Fatah, and the Jews/Israelis. And it’s not his private view. That’s the theme of a book he wrote for someone else, “Between 2 Fires: The Untold Story of the Palestinian Christians.” In that book, the ethnic cleansing and persecution allegations against Israel are repeated. It’s no secret what the book is about, since the cover shows Palestinian kids crying underneath an Israeli flag. Pajamas Media could have easily learned this, if the editors who run that insipid site bothered to google the guy or look up his books on Amazon.com. But, typical for that site, they’re far too lazy to do even the most basic bit of research and fact-checking. And, instead, they ran and promoted an article by the anti-Israel Brackin on Mosab Youssef.
While not all of the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic comments have been removed from the book Brackin wrote for Yousef, I’m told that it was deliberately toned down to appeal to the Christian and Jewish audiences of FOX News who largely support Israel and are philo-Semites. They would not buy a book that truly contained Brackin’s–and apparently Yousef’s–true views on Israel. And the same goes for FOX News’ gushing coronation of this “savior” with an Arabic accent and Muslim past who is, in fact, no savior at all, but someone who possesses the same old HAMASian views of Jews and Israel, no matter what he did or didn’t do as an alleged spy on the Islamic terrorist group. Sadly, those who watch FOX News are just as gullible and empty as those who drink up MSNBC and CNN. No difference. They don’t read between the lines and question what they’re being told, including about this guy.
I am very suspicious of Youssef. I don’t know how much he actually aided Israel as a spy, and I’ve seen no proof or official Israeli government confirmation of it. And even if he did as much as he claims, so have many other anti-Israel Jew-haters Israel recruits as spies. There are no swans in the sewer. . . and the sewer is the general habitat of informants.
The only thing I know for sure is that Yousef converted to Christianity and had a book published (for a good deal of money) in his name, under the auspices of a very anti-Israel Evangelical missionary. I welcome Evangelical Christian support for Israel and have, throughout my life, denounced liberal Jews who attack these important friends of Israel. But I have no use for Evangelicals who use their positions of influence to spread anti-Israel hate and propaganda.
Mosab Hassan Youssef is, first and foremost, a Son of THAT. And, now, he’ll be granted asylum here, where he can father children and further perpetuate his views about Jews and Israel on American soil.
And that’s a good thing because . . . ?

Tags: Anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, Between 2 Fires: The Untold Story of the Palestinian Christians, deportation, Hamas, ICE, Immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Israel, Mark Siljander, Mosab Hassan Yousef, Mosab Yousef, Pajamas Media, Palestinian, PJM, Ron Brackin, San Diego, Son of HAMAS, spy
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